Added debugger PY for Python and Sonarint, a source code management function

Two types of open source-based development support functions have been officially added to Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

U.S. GDNet reported on the 8th (local time) that Microsoft (MS) added debug PY and sonarint through the March update.

Debug PY is a Python-only debugger and supports functions such as debugging script files and modules from the command line.

Microsoft’s VS code was officially added to the functionality that users had previously created and shared as open source.

In addition, Microsoft introduced Sonarint, an extension tool in VS Code, that scans source code written by developers to find potential errors and checks security, performance, and accessibility.

Sonarint supports languages such as Java, JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, HTML5, and PHP.

The reason Microsoft expands its VS code by adding open source-based support is interpreted to secure an open source developer community.

Microsoft has been steadfastly emphasizing the open source market since the inauguration of CEO Satia Nadella in 2014. Last year, after acquiring GitHub, an open source code repository, it announced that it had acquired npm, which provides a JavaScript package registry.